Dying on the Way

I'm just being dramatic okay. No one is dying

Well in the the past phew weeks my the buses that my friends used hit someone and that person died tragically. Two of my friends.

So.... the pic up there was taken three weeks ago, around 2PM. I had a club meeting on 2PM, the traffic jam was horrible so I ended up getting back home. I was almost there but I predicted that I may arrive at 3PM. My friend says that it is okay, but I was so pissed of the situation.

Jakarta is not a paradise. It is a busy city where time is money. It is a paradise if you have the money. Why? Because you can found everything here, especially branded items. There are many malls here that has stores of expensive branded items. Restaurants too, there are many kind of restaurants. The streets are always crowded, and no stores are ever out of visitors, whether middle-low malls or middle-high malls. So.. it's a paradise to spend your money

Wait I'm getting out of the topic lmaooo ~
So, what I mean by dying on the way is that people are tired on the way. The journey to take your activities wasted half of your time. I know that in some small villages in Indonesia, where it is almost isolated, little kids need to cross big rivers (they swim) or maybe go through the forest just to go to school. Please, I dont want to compare myself with them ;_; It's just tiring, okay.. The most depressing part is that I spent more than half of my weekly money for transport.... Sometimes I can't even afford lunch.. Mom let me to take any amount of cash from her secret money envelope but I just can do it ;_; I sometimes did, but I just dont want to.

Actually, this post is pointless._. don't you think so? In general, this post didnt explained anything. What I wrote from up to bottom is not 100% accurate so pleease don't see Jakarta that way, there are plenty of good things to call this place a paradise. Anyway, living in any big city is always depressing. Just move into a village below a mountain if you want somewhere quite -_-


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