A Farce by Neil Simon

Farce, a light humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillful exploited situation rather than upon the development of the character. RUMORS is the title of this farce.

Our class 17-14A will perform this play at the LSPR annual Theater Festival. This event is part of the final assignment of Performing Arts.

Performing Arts is the only subject that I'm anticipating in the second semester. I mean, all subjects are hella boring, and Performing Arts is very unique yet interesting.

So, the semester is about to end. One more week until our final exam and everything is poof, gone, over. Rumors will be performed on Monday, June 23rd which is next week. I can't believe time flies really fast, really fast.

I am happy that our class are lucky enough to get a very nice and talented lecturer. Not to mention, the assistant lecturer is also a great person. Guess what, yesterday our lecturer, Sir Mika sent us pizzas during the rehearsal!

I'll stop talking about pizza cos I'm fasting today and fyi I stared at that pic above for like 7 minutes and ended up accesing the Pizza Hut site to order one -_-

Tbh I really don't know what to write here. Performing Arts is a liitle too emotional. I am sad, happy, worried, disappointed, scared, and excited as well.

Okay I'm done


  1. I love your photos too and I've been craving pizza for the longest time and with your photo, my craving resurfaces...mightier than the last
